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Silent Strength, the Yoga of Inner Stability
1) Day workshop
Living in a world that is constantly challenging our peace, true strength lies in cultivating lasting inner stability.
The practice of Yoga is about discovering the silent force within that remains unshaken by external turbulence.
Prasad will help you understand how to embody steadiness in thought, word, and action and unlock a steady state of resilience that does not seek validation, but stands rooted in the Self. Through:
* physical postures (asana)
* practices of mindfulness (dharana)
* breath regulation (pranayama)
* understanding the life principles of Yoga (siddhanta).
Come, step into your Silent Strength and live life to the fullest.
2) Evening workshop
Prasad will slowly guide you through a hip- and heartopener asana practice after which you will be able to completely relax in the Yoga Nidra session. You will feel energized and simultaneously relaxed after the workshop: an evening for yourself and with yourself:-).
Classes & Rates
In my Meditation classes we learn how to detach from mental noise and unlock a steady state of resilience that does not seek validation, but stands rooted in the Self.
We work on focussing at one point (dharana) so you become more and more able to sit with yourself in peace. I use active and passive forms of meditation to still the mind.
My Vinyasa Flow classes will start with a 5 to 10 minutes pranayama practice followed by a short warming up of the body. The class then slowly moves into the asana practice. At the end of the class, there will be a few restorative poses before we will finish in savasana, the final relaxation for a couple of minutes.During the class, I will give instructions and help people to improve the alignment position of their bodies.
In my group Vinyasa Flow and in my private classes, I teach a combination of Ashtanga Vinyasa, Vinyasa Flow, Hatha Yoga en Hatha Flow. Since the practice of Yoga is not only about physical mastery, but about discovering the silence within that remains unshaken by external turbulence, we always move on the breath, practice pranayama's and work on sitting with ourselves.
Students will find my classes challenging, motivating, instructive and meditative. Or as one of my students explains: 'I always feel recharged after a class'.
Private classesA private class will be fully adapted to your needs.
- Introduction class 20,-
- Single class € 20,-
- 10 class card (valid for 3 months): €180,-
- 10 class card (valid for 6 months): €192,50
- Private class (90 minutes) € 120,-- Aurahealing session: € 120,-
- Nutrition and life style coaching: € 120,-
Location & Schedule
The private and groups sessions will be held in the HeartHouse at the Huizerweg 54 in Bussum, the Netherlands.
Schedule group sessions:
Monday evening from 19.00 till 20.15 Meditation class
Tuesday evening from 20.30 till 21.45 Vinyasa Flow classSaturday morning from 08.30 till 09.45 Vinyasa Flow class
About me
After having finished Law School, I worked in Brussels and Amsterdam as a company lawyer and recruiter for many years.
Although yoga came across my path at a very young age, I truly became inspired by yoga in the year 2000. From then onwards, I could be found on my yoga mat in Los Angeles and later Singapore, where my family and I lived for many years.After some years, I began looking for more depth in yoga. I was curious about how yoga was founded, why you feel so different after a yoga class (more in balance, ‘lighter’, more connected to everything and to each person around you), compared to a rowing match, a field hockey training or a run through the forest.
I also wanted to learn more about the philosophy, books of famous Yoga Masters from thousands of years which describe why we as human beings suffer and how yoga helps you to calm and center the mind, also how bandhas, mudras, vaju’s and your energetic body work, amongst others.
For that reason, I started to follow more and more yoga workshops and Asana yoga classes in the Netherlands and abroad from well known yogi’s as David Swenson, Govinda Kai, Michael Gannon and Whit Hornsberger.
In 2012 and 2013 I met my two Indian guru's: Prasad Rangnekar and Dev Kapil, their teachings and support are beyond words.
Last but not least, I also went more in depth in the importance of healthy food for your general well-being.The Intense Yoga Teacher Training of Katiza Satya naturally came across my path. After having finished this beautiful and instructive teacher training in Bali, Indonesia, I began offering yoga classes in Naarden and then my own yoga business, 'Fruits of Yoga', was born. 'Fruits of Yoga' for me, is an appropriate description of what yoga does for you and how you feel after a yoga class: you often feel the benefits of a yoga class days after the class.
Education & Training
Intensive 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training with Katiza Satya
- Children and teens 70hr Yoga Teacher Training with Patty Jongemaets
- 200 hr Hatha Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga Master Dev Kapil
- Reiki 1 and Shin Do at Nederlof Centre Amsterdam
- Aura Healer (a two year course) at Nederlof Centre Amsterdam
- Pre-Teacher Vinyasa Flow 70hr Yoga Training at Svaha Yoga Amsterdam
- Nutricion and life style course with general practitioner and homeopatic physician Anna Kruyswijk
- Four online Yoga studies: 'Yoga then to now', 'Shakti Tatva', 'Mantra Yoga' and 'Prana & Pranayama' with Yoga Master Prasad Rangnekar
- Basic Medical Knowledge at CIVAS institute
- 100hr Meditation Facilitator Training with Prasad Rangnekar (Thiruvannamalai, India)
- 50hr Yoga Therapy Teacher Training with Dev Kapil
Workshops and Teacher Trainings
I also organize yoga workshops and yoga teacher trainings. Indian Yoga Masters Prasad Rangnekar and Dev Kapil will come to the Netherlands to teach these workshops and teacher trainings.
From all over the world yoga students and yoga teachers will come to the Netherlands to learn from these knowledgeable Indian Yoga Masters.
Yoga is a light, which once lit, never dims
(B.K.S. Iyengar)
Yes, I'd love an introduction class
Mariska Prins
Mobiel: 06-15840403
E-mail: mariska@
Leslocatie: Huizerweg 54, 1402 AD Bussum
KvK: 53923332
BTW: NL002095419B42
IBAN: NL28RABO0170 2155 39
© 2022 Fruitsofyoga.com